Sell our Bags!
Destiny Handbags offers you the opportunity to sell our bags. We are here to provide you with top quality handbags and accessories. Including our brand of American Made design your own handbags. You are free to sell on your affiliate page that will come with your sign up. Sell at vendor events, direct to boutiques, online, in person, a mobile boutique the possibilities are endless!
It is FREE to sign up so get started today!
You will earn on your personal sales no recruiting is needed.
The Details:
-Earn 40% on sales from your affiliate link
-Must have 1 sale within 30 days of your FREE sign up
-Must sell $500 in a 6-month period or your account will be deleted
-You can purchase items at 40% off for your own use but no additional discount will apply
-Want a custom bag for your own shop? We can design creations just for you!